The experimental DGIIIA pattern was the predecessor to the AOR2 pattern currently (2020) standard issue to the US Navy as seen on the NWU Type 3 [1]. Beyond also made another AOR2 prototype uniform in a camouflage pattern designated “DG3”.
Earlier DGIIIA Prototype:
Combat Shirt:

Torso fabric is thicker than Multicam G2 AC shirt.

“Item: Custom” and “Material: Custom” on tags.
Arm Pockets:

Rubbery (silicone?) tag on arm pocket is characteristic of older Crye items before they switched to the ribbon some time after 2006 (as seen on LV MBAV).


Black material inside elbow cap holder for male velcro hook on elbow cap to attach and stay in place.

Field Shirt:


“Experimental Prototype” on tag.
Chest Pockets:

Arm Pockets:

Same structure and gummy tag as combat shirt.


Pocket for elbow pads is different from combat shirt.
Field Pants (AOR1)
These were found together with the prototype shirts shown above. The pattern is known as “DGII”, and later “AOR1”. This pattern would also become more commonly used by the Navy by both Special Forces as well as regular personnel in desert areas.

Tag says “Army Custom”.

Usage Photos:
Used by Delta Force (CAG) in 2006. The photos below are mostly from Iraq (except for the Chevrolet ad, obviously).

Images from @1MinuteOut on Instagram:

Also seen in 2017 Chevy Commercial [4]:

Later DGIII Field Shirt:
In later versions of DGIII, the pattern is now vertically oriented so it is more similar to the standard issue NWU III. This version of DGIII is likely directly descended from the DG3 camouflage pattern used on this Beyond prototype.

Despite its resemblance to the Navy’s uniform, it still says “Army Custom” on the tag.

There are small “DGIII” watermarks throughout the pattern.


Usage Photos:

Article about event with smaller version of image in slideshow at bottom of page is available at [5]
Pattern Comparisons:
The prototype pattern is similar to later NWU Type 3 (AOR2) but horizontal and more subdued, especially the black portion which appears almost translucent.

The later DGIII pattern’s black is darker than the prototype.

The black on the later DGIII also appears to be “shinier” than the NWU III’s black.
Comparison with Beyond DG3 Prototype:

The DGIII pattern was likely closer to what was finally accepted into service as AOR2 given the similarities in vertical pattern orientation to the final product as well as inclusion of the watermark in the same location as the later Crye prototype.