These smocks were produced immediately after the war, perhaps under a British contract (pending verification), to outfit Belgium’s paracommandos and were used immediately before the Moon and Balls and Brushstroke uniforms. They feature a hand-painted, grid-like camouflage pattern. Although clearly based on the British Denison Smock, the upper pockets are straighter, a feature that would carry over to some Moon and Balls smocks.

Sample 1:

Design is based on the Second Pattern British Denison Smock, but the upper pockets are straighter than the British version.




The knit cuffs are a tailor modification and probably come from sock tops.


Brass Newey snaps like British First Pattern Denison Smock


The half-zip length fly opening is closed by buttons (no zipper) that are similar to those on British denim battledress utlities.


Armpit Vents:

Usage Photos:

Some of these smocks may have been used by the Belgian contingent in Korea.

May 26, 1951: Belgian reinforcements going to Korea from Rotterdam [1].

Congo Crisis (1960 – 1965):

1960: Belgian Congo. [2]