Very similar to the “Chicken” plate carriers used by US Navy SEALs. These carriers were probably designed to be worn under clothing and appear to follow the same “scalable” design philosophy of the more expansive LV MBAV. This design was likely made by the company “Englands Safety Equipment” [1][2].
Some examples of this type of vest have been recovered from British Special Boat Service (SBS) sources and groupings [3][4]. Many of these were available very cheaply on the surplus market around August 2021. Like some versions of the chicken plate carriers used by their American Navy SEAL counterparts, this vest also uses non-standard plates [5].

From two different vests. The 2013 dated example was used as seen by a rip on the inside caused by an armor plate’s corner.

Reverse Side:

Body facing side of platebags are mesh material like gym shorts, maybe for ventilation.

Cummerbund is elastic.
Inside of Platebag:

Velcro inside for strap length and cummerbund adjustment.