The Afghan National Army (ANA) adopted this camouflage pattern in 2008 to make it more difficult for insurgents to impersonate Afghan military personnel. Previously, they were outfitted with a variety of uniforms from their coalition allies, including surplus woodland camouflage uniforms supplied by the US. The digital pattern shown on this page was originally developed by Hyperstealth as the “Spec4ces” pattern. In 2017, it was the subject of a Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) report on waste and corruption because it cost the US Department of Defence $93.81 million between 2008 and 2017, including fees to Hyperstealth because of the pattern’s proprietary nature, whereas using the old Woodland BDU pattern “could save U.S. taxpayers between $68.61 million and $71.21 million over the next ten years [2017 – 2027]” [1].
Uniform items in this camouflage pattern were still in circulation up until the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the reversion to Taliban control in 2021. All items shown below except for the AWFL Co. jacket were obtained in August 2021 shortly after the Taliban retook Afghanistan, meaning they were likely surplussed onto the market because their contracts became invalid.
M-65 Jacket:

This M-65 is manufactured in the US by Bethel Industries and made from similar materials as standard-issue M-65’s previously issued to US forces. The velcro loop portions are arranged similarly to the final UCP camouflage versions.

2015 date. This is an actual medium size. Most of the US-made M-65’s and ACU trousers sold have the contractor name blacked out with marker. This one did not, probably because it was slightly defective with the stain on the front.
Collar Tab:



Accessible through zipper in the back of the collar. Stored behind the lining.
Arm Velcro:




ACU Set:


Manufactured in China by Rona Co., Ltd. This was sold to me as a “Medium” size through Trident’s eBay store; they had actual large sizes for sale with the same tags so it may be a mistake from the manufacturer.
Chest Pockets:

Arm Pockets:

Does not have infrared reflective square or covering tab like US Army examples.



Trousers #1 (Rona):

These pants were packaged together with the ACU jacket above.

Thigh Pockets:


No cinching ribbon like US examples.

Rona ACU Packaging:

Jacket #2 (AWFL Co.):

Identical to Rona example above, except for tag.
Trousers #2 (US-made):

Identical to US-issued ACU trousers in similar ripstop material as Rona examples.

Same manufacturer as M-65 (Bethel Industries), above, with 2013 contract date.
Cargo Pockets:

Opens all the way, unlike Rona example.
Back Pockets:


Has blousing/cinching ribbons.

