The Republican Guard was a separate, elite branch of the Baathist Iraqi military. First created in 1969, it reported directly to Saddam Hussein and was mainly used to maintain the regime’s internal stability. Republican Guard troops had extra training, better equipment, higher pay, and more privileges than the regular military to ensure their loyalty. Their insignia was a red triangle patch applied to both shoulders.[1] The Republican Guard was dissolved after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, with its former personnel joining both the modern Iraqi government [2] and various irregular militia groups [3].

Arm Patches:

The velour-like material with a white border from the frayed edges used for the patches indicates this was likely captured during the First Gulf War (1991) [4].



No tags or markings anywhere on the inside.
Usage Photos:

This type of shirt was used as early as the Iran-Iraq War (1980 – 1988) and through the 1991 Gulf War (Desert Storm). It is unknown if they were used in the 2003 Iraq invasion.[8]