US Air Force 4404th Composite Wing (Provisional) DCU (1991 – 1998)
The 4404th Composite Wing (Provisional) was a US Air Force squadron stationed at Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia just after Gulf War 1 (1991) to enforce sanctions on Iraq, specifically the no fly zone in the south. The unit was inactivated on October 1st, 1998 [1]. US units stationed in Saudi Arabia, such as the 4404th, after Gulf War 1 were a significant part of Bin Laden’s motivations to launch the 1998 Embassy Bombings and 9/11 attacks, leading to the War on Terror [2]. In fact, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings, though not directly perpetrated by Bin Laden, targeted members of this unit [3].
The DCU jacket on this page features many in-country, likely Saudi-made, insignia patches.

Squadron Patch:

The patch was sewn directly through the left pocket (as worn) so it cannot be opened.
Collar Rank Insignia:

Name and Branch Tapes:

Loose Insignia:

These loose patches were found in the lower pockets. Most appear to be made in-country.

1991 contract date. This was one of the first DCU’s made.
US-Afghan Patched:

Chest Insignia:

Cross Flag Patch:

The crossed US-Afghan flags were supposed to symbolize solidarity with Afghans and was intended to be mandatory for wear [4]. Although mandatory, it was very rarely issued and largely gone by 2008 [5].

1999 date.
Collar Patches:

Pocket Contents:

This Air Mobility Command (AMC) baggage services document was found in the upper left pocket (as worn).
DoD Civilian:


Tapes appear to made in-country on polypropylene webbing material.

1996 date.