Around 2000 of the SO Tech Falcon chest rigs were originally made for the 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment (“Falcon Regiment”) in 2004 for an Afghan deployment.
The three-color desert IOTV armor cover was not originally found with chest rig and jacket, but it was added since soldiers would commonly wear the chest rig over their armor (see use photos).
IABDU Jacket:
Fire resistant tan aramid Combat Flight Suit/IABDU jacket for protection against improvised explosive devices during vehicle and street patrols. These were used as a stopgap measure before fire resistant ACUs were widely issued. Modified with black velcro for flag and identification patches. Jacket tag has an error since there is no camouflage pattern on the jacket.
Chest Rig:
Buckle date is March 2005 (arrow points to 3, or March; 05 in circle is 2005). This is from a second production run since it has 2 front quick release buckles. Back pouch is for a Camelbak hydration bladder. The first production ones only have one front quick release buckles .
Usage Photos: