Sample 1:

Servicemen in Vietnam often had souvenir uniforms made in-country from locally sourced South Vietnamese camouflage patterns (Another example, a child’s Thai tiger stripe flight suit, can be seen here.). These souvenir uniforms were usually worn on leave to entertainment venues like movie theatres, restaurants, and bars [1], though a few were used in combat by Special Forces units. This shirt has a similar US cut as the Late War Lightweight Tiger Stripes. The camouflage pattern is similar to the “back” side of the Mitchell Vine Leaf camouflage shelter half and was mainly used by South Vietnamese Police Field Force (Cãnh Sát Dã Chiến, CSDC).
Patches appear to be original to uniform and have been attached for a long time.

Only marking is a red handwritten “8” on the back under the collar.

Usage Photo:
Thai Forward Air Guide:

Besides the intended South Vietnamese Field Police, at least 1 US cut item in this camouflage pattern was used by Thai Forward Air Guides involved in the Unity Program.